Pengaruh Marketing Mix terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Konsumen Maju Jaya Parfume di Sumatera Utara
Marketing Mix, price, consumer purchasing decisionsAbstract
The aim of this research is to assess the impact of various marketing elements, such as product, price, location, promotion, employees, processes, and physical evidence, on consumer purchasing decisions in Parfum Maju Jaya. The research method employed is quantitative, generating numerical data processed using the SPSS software. The study population encompasses all consumers of Parfum Maju Jaya, totaling 2,340 per year, with a sample size of 99 respondents. Sampling is conducted through saturated sampling using purposive sampling, with inclusion criteria specifying consumers aged 17 and above who have made at least one purchase from Maju Jaya Parfume. The research findings indicate a positive and significant influence of the product, price, location, promotion, employees, processes, and physical evidence variables on consumer purchasing decisions in Maju Jaya Parfume. Based on statistical tests, the calculated F-value is 34.747, surpassing the tabulated F-value of 2.10, with a significance level of 0.000 (less than 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that this model effectively explains the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable.
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