Kajian Teoritis Terhadap Peran Budaya Lokal Dalam Memediasi Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepuasan Wisatawan dan Perilaku Pasca Berkunjung Ke Desa Wisata
Service Quality, Satisfaction, Post-Visit Behavior Tourism Village, mediation, Local CultureAbstract
This paper aims to explain concepts and theories related to the role of local culture that mediates the relationship between Service Quality, Tourist Satisfaction and Behavior after the tourist visits the tourist village. The theoretical analysis method used in this study is the descriptive method of correlation between theories. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that conceptually and theoretically. 1. Local culture can mediate the influence of Tourism Village service quality on tourist satisfaction levels. 2. Local culture can mediate the influence of service quality on Post-Visit Behavior to Tourism Villages. 3. Local culture can mediate the influence of tourist satisfaction level on Post-Visit Behavior to Tourism Villages.
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